Our Farming Policies


We take biosecurity seriously on the farm. As of 2022, we are a closed farm due to the risk of Avian Influenza in the United States. We take part in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), twice a year. We ensure the health of our flock. We have a strict policy that we do not take back poultry alive or dead. Our farm only associate with other farms that have strict protocols as our farm.

 We are not a rescue or fostering farm. We do not take in flocks from those that have to be rehomed.

Featured Farms we work with: They are by appointment ONLY.

Stellar Game Bird, Poultry Waterfowl LLC- Pasture-Raised Poultry, Eggs, Pork, Game birds located in Ruskin, Hillsborough County, FL

Vitoria Farms LLC- Hertiage Chickens, Eggs, and Pasture-Raised Chicken located in Dade City, FL

OffBeat Acres- Whole chicken and eggs located in Groveland, FL

H&M Cattle- Fresh Never Frozen Beef. Located in Webster, FL

Hopewell Heritage Farm- Pasture-raised KuneKune Pork farm located in Plant City, FL

Buying Chickens

When buying chickens please park at the front gate. This is so no contamination is brought onto the yard. Bring your own poultry transportation, such as crate or box. Please respect the farm and poultry. Do not try to grab or run after the chickens. We do not accept any live birds back that you have purchased. Chicks are sold as straight-run till we are able to tell the gender of the chicken.

Hatching Eggs

Our chickens are hybrid breeds. For example, we place Australorp and Rhode Island Reds together to breed. This makes the genetics stronger and great future egg layers. Once the eggs leave the farm hands, I have no responsibility of hatching rates. Please, understand you incubator before using it to hatch eggs.

Laying Hens

Our hens are a hybrid breed, through careful selection of top egg layers. They are hatched and raised on the farm. We sell older laying hens towards the end of the year. These hens are 2 years or older.

Meat Chickens

Our meat chickens are raised in a brooder for 2-3 weeks, after they are out into fresh pasture in a chicken tractor. The chickens are moved everyday to a fresh patch of grass to eat. By raising in chicken tractors, what is left behind our pigs will come in and pick up extras.

We do not sell live meat birds. We do not allow people to pick out a chicken to be processed.

Pricing of Meat Chickens *Prices are subject to change

Whole Chicken $5.75/lbs

Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast $15.50/lbs

Tenders $13.50/lbs

Wings $8/lbs

Leg Quarters $10.00/lbs

Thighs $11.00/lbs

Legs $9.00/lbs

Gizzards $7/lbs

Livers $5/lbs

Hearts $5/lbs

Feet $6/lbs

KuneKune Pigs

What are they? They are a breed originated in New Zealand. They are known for their smaller size, extremely laid back, docile, friendly personalities and ease of handling. These smaller, heritage grazing pigs are great for homesteaders and smaller acre farms as well.

Our farm offers nonregistered KuneKune as for meat or pets. We breed to get the best of the breed and meat.

Deposits with contract are taken to reserve your animals. Pictures and videos are taken every week to see the growth and fun your pig(s) is having on the farm.